Floor Joint Repairs

Over time, due to wear and tear, movement, and environmental factors, floor joints can become damaged, loose, or misaligned, resulting in cracks, gaps, chipping and unevenness.

If the floor joints in your building are in need of repair Durable Flooring’s team of qualified expects is available to assist. They will inspect the damage and conduct the necessary repairs to avoid you having to install brand new flooring.

What Causes Joint Damage?

Joint damage can happen to flooring over time due to many day to day factors, such as:

  • General wear and tear
  • Changes in temperature
  • Heavy equipment operation
  • High traffic levels
  • Exposure to chemical materials
  • Slab movement or shrinkage

How to Know if Your Flooring Is in Need of Joint Fixing

There are a number of ways you can tell if your floor joints are in need of repairs, regularly conduct inspections and schedule repairs should you notice any of the following.

  • Visible cracks: Cracks in the flooring can develop due to factors such as settlement, shrinkage or excessive loads and indicate that the joints are in need or repair.
  • Unevenness: Unevenness and raised areas can occur when the joints between slabs become compromised, leading to misalignment or movement of the slabs.
  • Chipping: Damaged joints can cause the surface of the flooring to deteriorate, causing it to break and chip away.
  • Joint Widening or separation: Failing joints can cause the slabs to visibly shift away from each other affecting the structural integrity and stability of the flooring.
  • Moisture: Compromised joints can cause water to seep through causing numerous moisture-related problems such as erosion of the subbase and the growth of mould and mildew.

Why Join Fixing Is Essential

It is imperative that if your flooring has damaged joints that you get repairs as soon as possible, if allowed to worsen beyond the point of re-sealing the damaged joint, the slab edges will also have to be reconstructed. Damaged joins can also cause the floor surface to become bumpy, causing a number of issues for your flooring, such as:

  • Debris becoming trapped in the damaged areas
  • Bacteria growing in the damaged areas
  • Oils or chemicals spilling and seeping into open joints causing chemical contamination

These problems can lead to potential health and safety hazards and damage any drivable equipment using the surface.

Immediately repairing damaged floor joints helps improve day to day activities in your building, avoids health and safety hazards, and reduces maintenance costs in the long run.

How to Avoid the Need for Repair

Carry out regular inspections of your flooring to verify that the existing joint sealant is protecting and maintaining the floor joint slabs as it’s supposed to. 

If your floor joints need repairing, it’s important to understand the underlying cause of the damage. If the damage is a result of structural issues, such as moisture or a compromised subfloor, it’s crucial to address those problems to prevent damage from reoccurring.

Why Should You Choose Durable Floors?

As an Australian-owned and operated company, quality is vital to us, our team works with a keen attention to detail and a desire to do things right the first time, every time.

Get in touch to learn more about how we can keep your flooring in perfect shape.